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Guest Blogger – Keepin’ It Real Jethro – RHOA Reunion Preview

Posted by ImaJustSaying on February 13, 2011

 The Real Jethro

By Jethro Nededog      

February 12, 2011 3:31 PM ET

‘Real Housewives of Atlanta’ reunion: NeNe and Cynthia dish it was ‘us versus them’

real-housewives-atlanta-reunion-cynthia-nene-andy-bravo.jpgIn mid-January, “The Real Housewives of Atlanta” gathered for at least ten hours at Atlanta’s Georgia Aquarium to hash out their differences in a grueling day that fans will see on Sunday’s (Feb. 13) Part 1 of the reunion special.

“Right before they say it’s a reunion, everybody’s stressed out,” NeNe Leakes tells Zap2it.

“In our life,” Cynthia Bailey tells us. “The reunion show is a big deal and I guess it’s big to the viewers that watch the show, as well. I was very anxious to do it and get it over with.”

All that stress and anxiety doesn’t surprise us. If there were a battle royale to be had in Bravo’s “Real Housewives” franchise, it would be the reunion show. But from what Cynthia and NeNe tell us, it was more like a game of “Survivor” as the other women started scheming before they actually sat down for the reunion shoot.

“People try to form alliances,” NeNe says. “Which I never do. I just go in. It’s just a really difficult thing to sit there in front of the person that you said this or that and they’re asking you why you said that. I used to say it’s because I have an opinion and I can give my opinion any time I want to. And when I stop stating that and start stating the facts, then it’s time to get worried.”


When it comes to forming the alliances, NeNe says she knows who the main schemer was. “Phaedra [Parks] is hilarious to me,” she says. “She talked all this stuff about everybody, all us girls, but I seem to be the only one who has a problem with it. That is probably because she has called each girl up and made friendly with them, saying I’m sorry I didn’t meant to say that… So, Phaedra and all of them apologized to each other and of course they all want to be against me. It was sort of like me and Cynthia against them.”

“Yes, that would be accurate,” Cynthia says of the alliances. “I don’t know what’s going on with the other girls. I don’t really talk to them as much as I talk to NeNe. So, I think it’s pretty obvious that they were all together, you know, in terms of conversation. They all seemed to be fine with everything coming from them and then, you know, it was kind of like us versus them.”

Regardless, NeNe says she didn’t walk in to the reunion expecting anything less than the other girls becoming citizens of “Haterville.”

“It’s mainly because I do a lot of things, so I can understand all this hating on me,” NeNe says. “I don’t expect them to lift me up or pat me on the back. I know I’m going to encounter haters. Besides that, I know exactly who I am. I’m not fishing for a compliment.”

But while NeNe understood why the girls formed an alliance for the reunion, Cynthia sees no point to it all. “I don’t really get the idea of joining together,” Cynthia says. “It’s like look, you said it, own it, defend it, and move on. This show is about opinions. You feel that way about me, hey, that’s fair… I think it’s a choice when you say things about each other that cross the line.”

Watch a preview of NeNe versus Phaedra from the reunion below:
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                                       Real Housewives of Altanta – Reunion Preview, posted with vodpod
What do you think about Phaedra allegedly forming an alliance with the other housewives against NeNe and Cynthia?
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34 Responses to “Guest Blogger – Keepin’ It Real Jethro – RHOA Reunion Preview”

  1. Dy said

    NoNo ..You just sound so immature, Dear Lord..I’m sure that is exactly what those women did “form alliances’ with Phaedra being the ring leader @@( rolls eyes).
    Poor Cynthia some day you will see NoNo for what she is.

  2. Dy said

    NoNo kills me..saying that she gives her opinion and blah blah blah.. yea she does.. The problem always comes when a person does not agree with her loud ass opinion mouth. Eveyone has to agree with that moose or she freakin loses it, and gets loud, obnoxious, rude, and up in your face!

  3. Dani said

    Cynthia is a nice lady but blind when it comes to NeNe. I have yet to see NeNe own any of her bad behavior. She usually just talks over everybody so they can’t get a word in edge wise. She comes across as extremely domineering.

  4. Dani said

    Agree Dy. I find myself cringing when she goes off on her tangents. It literally stresses me out watching her. I can’t imagine what it must feel like having her up in your face when she is yelling. Whoo, NeNe take a chill pill.

  5. Dani said

    One more thought. I think the reason NeNe and Cynthia have maintained a relationship is because Cynthia does not have the type of personality that sets NeNe off. On the other hand, Kim would give it back to NeNe and fireworks ensue. Neither Kim or NeNe are known for being demure.

  6. Dy said

    Ya know Dani..I don’t get Cynthia with NeNe.. Remember when they were at the Museum and NoNo told Cynthia that she told Kim about the friendship contract? Cynthia was clearly upset/hurt and tried to tell NeNe, and that moose turned it all around..For some reason Cynthia is intimated or something with NeNe.

  7. Dy said

    I cringe also Dani..Can you imagine that towering moose in your face? Geeze!!

  8. Rosie said

    So glad it’s reunion night! I can’t imagine the women forming an alliance against Cynthia.. Why? This is more of NeNe’s “I’m such a huge star, the other women hate me” BS. I have a feeling the reunion will be more amusing than disturbing.

  9. Bryan said

    Not only towering over you but farting at the SAME time!!!!!

  10. Dy said

    LMAO @ 9 Bryan

    I don’t why NeNe thinks she is all that, seriously. her only claim to “fame ” is the ATL. Housewives.. Her so called book didn’t sell, I don’t know how or why she got on The Apprentice, still shaking my head over that one.

  11. G-sus said

    Evening all, forgot to tune into the reunion, was busy watching the Grammy’s. What is with Andy’s chair? Could it be any bigger? I reminds me of the old Carol Burnett skits where she plays the little girl in the big rocking chair.

  12. G-Sus.. I am still watching the Grammy’s and updating the winners list.. Will watch RHOA on the REBOUND!!!

  13. G-sus said

    I couldn’t think of who Kandi reminded me of tonight, then it came too me… Wilma Flintstone. Bad dress, worse necklace. I love Kandi, but she could benefit from a good stylist.
    Thought the reunion was a snoozer, except when Andy told Kim she caked her makeup, lol. Looks like they saved the best for next week.
    Good night all, got an early am tomorrow.

  14. Fleur said

    Nice job Jethro! Hugs and sparkles to the Glitteratti tonight.

    @ Dy, that’s just what I thought too. NeNe needs to grow the hell up and move on out of the ghetto. She sounds like a braying Jack Ass and looks like one when she goes off on her rants. Her teeth are huge and those things on my HD TV screen are the stuff of nightmares. The only reason she and Cynthia get along is because Cynthia is a total doormat and would never talk baok to her. Out of all the housewives Cynthia’s probably the one I have the least respect for because she’s such a wuss. Like Sheree said, she needs to “Woman Up.”

    @ G-Sus LOL Wilma Flintstone, perfect!! I used to like Kandi but when she got so trashy with her internet show and then whined all season long about Kim I just started tuning her out and wishing her scenes were over with. Not a fan of hers this season at all.

    I wanted to snatch Kim’s wig off her head and choke AC with it for saying “bloop” and “bonk,” so many times and sucking up to the Jack Ass known as NeNe Leakes. Andy’s a blooming idiot!

  15. Fleur said

    Oh, did anyone catch WWHL tonight? I was ROFLMAO when Peter The Talking Pen*s said how much he loves NeNe The Braying JackAss and that if you really want to know how someone is then take a look at their children? Bryson’s (20)proven himself to be a lazy, irresponsible criminal who isn’t capable of supporting the child he is about to bring into the world. What a great testament to NeNe’s parenting skills! The jury’s still out on Brent who’s only 11, but I hope she and Gregg do a better job with him that his brother.
    I’m just stating facts because NeNe’s so big on attacking Kim that I thought it only fair to point out NeNe’s hypocrisy on this one.

  16. I didnt watch the reunion show or WWHL yet.. son has me putting on a movie and I cant refuse since we dont watch much together due to my line up.. yep its lame. so later or tomorrow it is!! Me and 17 year old son watching Dinner for Shmucks.. here I go!!

    Dang.. its hard to be a good mom.. actually I had him watching the Grammy’s with me once Eminem came on and he watchted the rest!! 😉 (pattin self on the back)

  17. Bryan said

    @16 This is reunion with Schmucks!

  18. Bryan said

    Cynthia was right lets see any of these women walk a catwalk, also She-Thing , LOL your all man bitch!

  19. tweety bird said

    Nene is getting tougher and tougher to listen to. She bullies constantly. Disagree with her and you become a target for her verbal abuse. She believes the louder you talk and the more threatening your body language the “righter” you are….Wrong. She’s gotta go.

    Did see the reunion…it was boring. Nothing new revealed. Just the same ol’, same ol’.

    I think this leg of the franchise is cooked.

  20. Olive the other Reindeer said

    IJS,,how did u and your son like he movie? I laffed so hard,,thought it was goofy funny,,Steve Careel was good in it,,love Paul Rudd.

  21. Dy said

    I seriously fell asleep during this reunion..Freakin. Borrrrrring!!

    NeNe rolling her eyes making faces when the conversation/ questions were not about her or everytime Kim spoke.. Talking over people..ugh

    Cynthia was right to say, I like to see them walk a cat walk..I’m proud of my body.. Good slam!

    Then I fell asleep, did I miss anything? Did see WWHL with Uncle Uncle Ben and Cynthia either ..


  23. Ok Had one cup of tea another sitting on the table and finally watching the reunion show and DAMG!! The set looks awesome!!

  24. Dy said

    Happy Valentines Day Everyone!! 🙂 xo

  25. Daniela said

    Happy Valentine’s Day, Dy! xoxo
    What the heck was up with Kandi dressing like Betty Rubble? Her dress and necklace were throw backs to the Stone Age.
    NeNe was horrible!! Her facial expressions were ugly.
    Cynthia needs to wake up and smell the coffee regarding the Beast.

  26. tweety bird said

    Happy Valentine’s Day to all…!

  27. Dy said

    Good Morning Everyone 🙂

    Kandi..Poor thing has no idea how to dress. I SWEAR I have never seen her look nice/ put together.

  28. Daniela said

    Happy Valentine’s Day, Tweetie…and a big Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone!

    Dy, seriously she doesn’t know how to dress. I thought Barney was going to come and pick her up for a brontosaurus burger lunch date at the Quarry.
    Though her hair looks better than her Woody Woodpecker do.

    Phaedra’s dress was pretty.

    That “tranny” twitter comment by NeNe was so bitchy.

  29. That reunion show has to go down in history as the most boring show ever!!!!

    NeNe was completely allowed to go unchecked even by Andy. NeNe is off her rocker and I am done with her.. She is claiming she is verbally abused?? Heifer please..

  30. Dy said

    @28 Lol Daniela!! Love her new hair style, but so help that poor child needs a stylist that has some fashion sense..Lord have mercy!

    I agree that Tranny comment..NeNe is such a bitch!

    @29 IJS
    ..Totally agree IJS..Verbally abused, please, that isn’t even good bull shit!! I swear the woman makes an ass out of herself constantly..I’m tired of AC never calling her out, she gets away with everything all the time.

  31. Dani said

    The reunion was so boring. It occured to me that every year we just rehash fights between Kim and NeNe. Remember the first reunion when NeNe called Kim out about having cancer and keeping her legs closed to married men. Will look how far we have come. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

    AC drives me nuts with his inconsistency to how he treats the HW. He did the same thing with Kelly, let her off the hook for all and she spouted the bully thing unchecked.

    Agree that Kandi would do well to have a stylist. I always get the feeling she is going for any edgy rocker vibe and likes to experiment quite a bit w/fashion. She is an attractive lady and could do much better however.

  32. Mikki12 said

    Happy Valentine’s Day! Was it a season or two ago that we saw NeNe buying those custom-made clothes for Bryson to wear for college? I think she even bought him a new car. I remember thinking at the time that Bryson reminded me of a thug. Then I was ashamed of myself for being so shallow and basing my opinion on how a person looks. Maybe I wasn’t so shallow, after all.

  33. G-sus said

    I think it is time they put this cast out to pasture. Keep Phaedra and maybe Cynthia, replace the rest with some new blood. 3 seasons and Nene, Sheree, and Kim’s schtick hasn’t changed.
    BTW, is it me or are Kim’s wigs getting worse and worse each year? Last night it looked like she was wearing a wig on top of a wig.

  34. Keepin it real w/ Shawny said

    Wow, where does one start ? I have been following RHOA since the start of the show back in’08. I will readily admit that I was quite fond of Nene in the beginning. She came across as this good old country girl who didn’t mind speaking her mind and telling the truth with a nice sassy dose of humor. That was then. She has since become an obnoxious, rude, crass, two-faced, narcissistic, self-absorbent bully and caricature of her former self. She has made the mistake of believing her own hype. I would be willing to bet that she has tons of abandonment issues from the mother who was too busy living her life and running men to raise her. She still has not found her biological father and she said she hasn’t spoken to Curtis since the dna test revealed he wasn’t her father. Clearly,this chic has issues. But hell, who doesn’t ? That doesn’t give anyone the right to take out all their issues and problems on everyone around them. I really hope that she takes an honest look @ herself and uses some of her earnings to invest in some much needed therapy ! Make no mistake, she WILL meet her match one day and when she does, it won’t be pretty. I just pray that the cameras are rolling somewhere when she does.

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