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Posts Tagged ‘kodiak’

Deadliest Catch:Slow Burn Recap – Smooth Sailing

Posted by tvtime101 on April 13, 2010

Well, it’s the start of another King Crab season.  we start out in the episode with both of Captain Phil’s sons fighting like brothers.  Apparently, the Time Bandit is having problems.  One of the deckhands on the Time Bandit ratted out Keith’s from The Wizard for trying to swindle him over to his boat.  It gets even more interesting at the captains meeting.  Captain Phil is still here with us at this point, and I am sure watching this must be difficult for his family.

But they are at the captains meeting, and it turns into an episode of the Jersey Shore.  John from the Time Bandit confronts Keith about poaching his workers and things get heated.  Keith gets shoved and went down into the wall and that’s when the other captains decide to separate them.  After the fight, you see the look in Phil’s face just like when his kids were fighting and it’s too much for him.  His eyes are red and glassy and he can’t handle it the way he used to.  I don’t like to see him like that, I like him as the bulldog we know.

After the ending of the fight, Sig and Phil both decide to swap their Jake’s.  Jake, Phil’s son is getting a little too bossy and Jake from the Northwestern is already asking Sig for control over the boat.  So, they swap them to show them that they have much more to learn. Both Jake’s are nervous and Phil is having a hard time with this because it is his son.  I think Jake from the NW is nervous about keeping his job right now.

So the season is officially announced and they are off.  It took Jake, Phil’s son only 4 pots to get hurt.  Apparently the post hinges open differently.  A new boat joins the fleet, Kodiak, and apparently the captain Wild Bill is old friends with the other captains, so he’s familiar with everyone. The Kodiak is also making it a family boat as the captains son is a greenhorn this year.  Wild Bill starts out their season with, “I can’t see you Zach, but move faster.”  Also another crew member on the Kodiak said, “we don’t have the sea running through our veins, we are here for the money.”  I am sure the captains wouldn’t appreciate that!

Just as Wild Bill says everything is going okay so far, the knot on the crane breaks and lets go of a pot.  Luckily no one was hurt, however, it was a close call.  Someone supposedly should have changed the knot and apparently you CANNOT RUSH this kind of work.  Good to know.

Just as the season opens, a fishing vessel “Carly Renee” has issued a may day report and is taking on water.  This is why this is so dangerous.  Luckily, “The Guardian” is close by and is recording the footage off of their cell phones.  They are the only ones there and are rapidly preparing themselves to save lives.

While watching “The Carly Renee” barely above water, your heart goes out to the men.  I mean, there was barely anything left above the water and you frantically hear crew members of “The Guardian” are there guys in the water?  Now the waters are as calm as possible, yet this boat capsizes.  Luckily, the crew of “The Carly Renee” were in the life raft and in their wetsuits.  So, they were all okay and “The Guardian” saved them.  Also, the camera work from the phone was insanely awesome.  I think they proved that they want to be added to the fleet next season.  The deckhands and crew were interviewed after being saved and said that they barely had times to get their wetsuits on before being in the water was a reality.

Did you watch the new episode of Deadliest Catch?  What did you think of the episode?

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Deadliest Catch: Season 6 : Here for the money

Posted by tvtime101 on April 11, 2010

Season 6 of Deadliest Catch starts this Tuesday, April 13, 2010 at 9pm EST.   This show, if you don’t already know, is what you call the “real- reality show”.  There are no fake, rogue waves, extra fake crab in the pots, or even extra boats sinking to add to this intense reality series.   This reality series is nothing less that hard core and yes, it makes for great tv.  These men on the boats perform the number one deadliest job in the world, King Crab fishing.

The cold waters in the Biering Sea make each mistake made, a deadly one.  One mistake by the crew, or an act of god can submerge the boat and take out the crew and the boat within an instant.

The men on these boats do not seem to have a Death Wish, and as in the preview of the 6th season, a deckhand says “We are not here because we have the sea running in our vain(s).  We are here because of the money.”  These men that perform an extremely deadly job, are rewarded very well for it.  Depending on how the boat does, the average deckhand will receive $35-50K.  During economical times that we are in now, I really do wonder how many greenhorne applications they get!

In the first episode (preview is below), we come to find that Captain Phil Harris’s death is quickly addressed.  This was a very sad loss for the sea, family, friends as well as all of the dedicated viewers who watched him for 5 years.  His boat, “The Cornelia Marie” is still apart of this year’s boat lineup along with “The Northwestern”, “Time Bandit”, “The Wizard” and newly added “Kodiak”.  As with the kick off of every season, there is the captains’ meeting and from what I hear, someone oversteps a boundary!

“The Cornelia Marie” is said to have many internal issues as we would expect.  Both sons are still currently working on the boat and I have a feeling power struggles will be seen often.  And it has been heard that crew poaching is going on.  Crew Poaching???   Well.   I guess we will have to tune in Tuesday night and find out.

Are you a deadliest catch fan????  Will you be watching Tuesday night?

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